I’m Zac

Some things that I like

  • cooking

  • being outside

  • animals

  • listening to music

  • making art

  • traveling to new places

  • connecting with people

Some things that I don’t like

  • littering

  • sudden loud noises

  • the big light

  • When somebody turns off the song right before the best part

  • jerks

My wife, Crystal is my best freaking friend.

We have been inseparable since 2007. She’s cool and funny and she helps me so much all the time. We’ve navigated so much of our lives together, and I feel very lucky to get to know her and be with her for all of this.

A real ride or die homie.

Bad Boys for Life.

I love her.

Our sweet dog, Ellie just had her 14th Birthday!

She’s just the best pup I could ever ask for.

I love her too.

I experience a lot of thoughts per minute and it is hard for me to keep focused.

My brain goes real fast but it skips around all over the place— its like you’re in a room with a bunch of TVs all playing different movies and you’re trying to read three books at the same time… Oh and there’s a jukebox in the corner that loudly plays random songs all day long. And my internal narrator is trying to tell me about all of it at the same time.

…Its a lot.

I got tested and diagnosed with ADHD after one too many ADHD reddit memes rang true.

I’ve since been on medication and have felt more at peace within myself and more driven to do the things I like to do.

I still have to manage my mental well-being carefully every day.

I’ve been very anxious since I was little and I worry a lot. It makes me depressed sometimes.

Before I am around others, my brain likes to speculate and rehearse all sorts of social scenarios that could occur. It tries to focus on the negative ones. Its a trauma response run amok.

When I am alone my brain likes to obsess and hyper-fixate and disconnect from reality which can take me down dark paths and make coming back to the present difficult.

It is easy for me overthink myself into a tizzy and then collapse into a puddle.

It is exhausting and stressful; both physically and mentally.

People often comment that they can’t tell that I’m a very anxious person… Fooled Ya! I mask it pretty well; I’ve had a lifetime of practice.

I overshare all of that to say this;

  • I am an advocate for de-stigmatizing societies perception on mental well-being and what a “normal” human is considered to be.

  • I am an advocate for talking about our feelings and for seeking support when it feels like too much to manage on our own.

  • I am an advocate for trying to be yourself and for living life your way.

Aside from Black Sheep

I work at Chez Genese downtown.

You’ll usually find me in the kitchen, but I pick up shifts front side too.

Come eat! Say hey to me!

Come take a workshop!

I also provide support to adults with autism though the Autism Society of NC.

I hope this club can be your place to feel seen for the undoubtedly cool person you are.
