cLUBHOUSE Coordinates

Find us downtown GSO at

616 S Elm St Unit B

(Behind Chez Genese Turn on Bain Street and then turn right down the alley)


I’m Zac VanGorder

Founding club member

The “Why”

Remember when we were small and you’d be friends with someone simply because they were a same-aged kid that lived in your neighborhood?

You’d go over to their house to see if they could come play and be like,

“Hey! Do you wanna come play in a fort I built?!”

and the kid would be like,

“Mom! Can I go outside and play?!”

And then you were friends, plain and simple.

Then you and your new friend would run around outside all day, playing pretend and looking for lizards, not worrying about work, or school, or the political state of the hunk of land we live on - Just glad to have a friend to talk to and to play with.

That’s the spirit of Black Sheep Social Club:

Do you wanna come play in a fort I built?!”

Finding genuine friendship, community, and connection is so important, yet can be super hard to come by — especially if we don’t fit the usual mold.

Black Sheep Social Club exists as a source of positive energy that will facilitate making those connections more accessible to anybody who desires them and is willing to come outside and play with us.
